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The Sundance School - established 1977

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The Performing Arts

Our process oriented curriculum is rooted in the belief that learning through the arts not only educates students, but elevates them to a deeper, richer, understanding of themselves and the world around them. Classes in dance, drama, and music give children the opportunity to gain appreciation for the importance, beauty, and wonder of the arts. Participation in these classes and the performance work builds confidence, fosters a sense of community amongst students, and encourages them to strive toward a personal best. Student involvement in the creative process guides them toward an awareness of their own limitless potential.

Our stage program at Sundance is specifically formatted to emphasize and reinforce what children are learning in other centers throughout the school. Lessons, adapted for each age group and stage of development, are linked to school wide topics and themes that children are studying, exploring, and/or learning (in some cases for the very first time!). By using creative movement and creative dramatics as the vehicle with which to express, explore, collaborate, and communicate children naturally become an involved, integral, creative force in their own learning experience.

A letter from the Director of Communication & Performing Arts

The Lower School

Our Lower School Creative Movement Program is rooted in the belief that learning through the arts not only educates students by elevates them to a deeper awareness of themselves and of the world around them. Children work together during each stage class dancing, pretending, singing, sharing, and learning the value of teamwork!

What a rewarding and awesome experience I have been given to partake in this aspect of your child's learning experience at Sundance! Seeing children dance with glee and smile with pride as they grow in confidence makes my heart dance with joy. Sundance kids truly enjoy the time they are given on stage to freely express the wonder creativity inside them. Joann Merrigan

Primary & Upper School