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The Sundance School - established 1977

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The Lower School

Ages 2 1/2 thru Pre-K

The Lower School provides a unique, interactive early childhood experience which weaves imagination and creativity into the education process to foster confidence and unlock each child’s potential. We have Group Leaders in our Early Childhood Program. Group Leaders have one class of children that they remain with the entire time those children are at school. They take their class to each activity room and work with an Anchor Teacher to design and deliver the best program for each child. These specialists create activities that can be done on multiple levels and in a variety of ways. The low student teacher ratio ensures that each child receives lots of individual attention.

The Moon Room

2.5-3 Year Olds

Click here for more information!

The Tree Room

3 & 4 Year Olds

Click here for more information!

The Sun Room

4 & 5 Year Olds

Click here for more information!